Taking photos for the Music Magazine

I experimented with different photos for my 3 Music Magazine pages i took different photos in different locations changing things such as lighting and filters untill i found photos i was happy with i then edited these photos so they looked more professional and more appealing above are some examples of photos i took eventually using some of these in my final music magazine.

Looking at Fonts and Styles

I looked at many different types of fonts to go on the front of my music magazine i wanted to have a font i could have right through my magazine to keep consistancy throughout my work. i mainly used a website called DaFont.com above are four examples that i looked at. I later use the last Font but add colour instead of where it is black.

Looking at Music Magazines

I then moved on to look at music magazine front covers. looking at the formatting style and how the magazine was layed out. these are two examples of NME magazines we looked at.

Music Magazine Coursework

My music magazine is based around house music and Djing i was told to make a Front cover , Contents page and Double page spread. my magazine is called Bright Lights it has a dark red and white colour sceme on all of the pages this keeps consistancy throughout the Magazine. I Started off by looking at music magazines already on the market.

Readership Profile

This is my readership profile looking at how i researched my target audience, including my questionnaire results, and what my target audience like and would want in there music magazine.

My College Magazine

This is my college magazine Front cover have edited this photo in Adobe photoshop i took a photo of the college grounds and a photo of a student then edited the background but kept the student simple.
As one of the pages on the magazine was on about food i got a student having there lunch and edited the image with the blurr tool on Adobe photoshop again.

College Magazine

I started by creating a college magazine, front cover and contents page. i took many photos around the college grounds and around guisborough then edited them in Adobe photoshop. These are examples of photos i took the one on the right is later used in my College magazine Front cover.

Research on College Magazine

Above is the questionnaire i gave out so that i could get feedback and know more about my target audience, so that i could base my college magazine on what the target audience want! The Questionaire above shows the average results from 20 questionaires filled out.