
My Music magazine follows similar layout styles and colour schemes of exsisting music magazine products, i have looked into ways for showing text more easily with transparent boxes etc. Through out my music magazine i have maintained a colour scheme, house styles and fonts etc. to keep consistancy throughout which i feel makes the magazine more professional. I have added shapes and stars to brighten up and make the magazine more lively, i have also used full background pictures in my double page spread for a busy music magazine style containing lots of different types of music based items. Throughout the production of my magazine i have constantly changed every page to make it fit all together and work professionaly. I Started of at looking at many different types of fonts but then narrowed it down to only a few and then just decided that it was best to keep consistancy throughout the magazine and it would look more professional, i started off with a colour picture on the front but when it was in black and white it gave a better effect and made the singer look larger and more powerful as i wanted this as it was an up and comming band. i maintained the house style through out by keeping the magazine consistant with the same colors and fonts i also gave it a house style by the photos i used some were photos of music and technology some of a band and my front cover a singer looking down on the camera gives a good music magazine feel and made look like my genre house by the fonts i selected and the colours.

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